
What are the Future Implications of Metaverse and NFT’s?

Currently, the Internet is being used as a tool to conduct trade and exchange activities. As Web 3.0 has begun to emerge, the world is gradually becoming a decentralized and virtual place. There is a chance that the Internet will be able to completely decentralize the world, which will greatly affect the way that we […]

Blockchain Trends to Watch in 2021

Blockchain is one of the biggest innovations having a ripple effect on multiple industries ranging from education to finance, health care to real estate. Blockchain Trends not have transformed the transaction nature but offering real ownership with higher transparency and traceability.   Let’s have a look at the top emerging blockchain trends from interoperability to […]

How Integration of Blockchain and AI can Be Fruitful?  

Blockchain and Artificial intelligence are edge-cutting technologies that have made a great place in the modern era. This is just because of multiple applications and the benefits that are offering to the world. Most of us are familiar with AI and blockchain technologies but rarely think about their emergence. Without any doubt, this will bring […]

Ways Blockchain Brings Revolution to Energy Sector

The energy and environment industry always keep booming with the continuous introduction of innovations like electric cars and IoT Metering. Now, blockchain in energy promising to develop interoperable systems by putting smart contracts into play.   Blockchain technologies have revolutionized numerous industries, but their potential for energy and the environment is still underestimated. To diminish […]

Risks Associated with Public Blockchains 

Do you have an interest in blockchain or you are a part of a public blockchain? If yes, this is what you need to know. First thing first, what are public blockchains? As simple as you think, it is a decentralized platform with no single entity ruling the network. Hence, it is secured and the data cannot be […]

How AI and ML Automate Cyber security?

Businesses are integrating Artificial intelligence solutions to automate processes, and cybersecurity is a key focus area for enterprises to achieve high-level security of sensitive data. With the increase in digitalization, cyber crimes are also increasing in numbers.    Nowadays, cyber criminals are using advanced ways to make use of the latest technologies. Therefore, cyber security […]

Blockchain as a Service – How To Choose Right Blockchain partner?

Blockchain as a service makes it easier for startups and businesses to develop blockchain applications without hiring a blockchain development team. It not only makes the process cost-effective but also reduces risks. It is becoming proficient for businesses; as they can market and launch blockchain-based applications and solutions like the smart contract, NFTs, etc. Amazon […]

Best Cryptocurrency Mining Hardware

Crypto mining is highly profitable but it requires powerful hardware and extensive knowledge of the blockchain principles. You need to have specialized cryptocurrency mining hardware to earn more profit.    Different types of crypto mining hardware are available in the market ranging up to $10000. The blockchain technology behind cryptocurrencies uses a large amount of processing […]

Top Fintech Technology Trends to Watch in 2023

COVID-19 caused the biggest financial disaster the world has witnessed after the global recession. During a pandemic, the lack of physical interaction between people adds value to fintech solutions. The popularity of fintech trends has increased to 90%, showing that people are well aware of the revolution it can bring.   Let us have a […]

Emerging Technologies of AI and Blockchain in 2023

AI and Blockchain are the monitoring technologies to guide the next wave of digital transformation. The convergence of these two technologies will allow the development of new business models. Both of them provide security, reliability, and transparency to the whole system and maximize business growth.  How Blockchain Brings Revolution in Business World? Blockchain stores data […]