
What is Tokenization and NFTs?

Tokenization is the process of converting ownership of physical assets into digital tokens. For example, if you own a piece of real estate, you could tokenize it by issuing 500,000 tokens, each representing 0.0002% of the property. A person could buy one token and become the owner of the property, which would be useful for […]

How NFTs Impact On Sports and Game Industry? 

The sports and game industry are one of the fastest growing industries on the planet. Total global spending on physical sports and games is expected to hit more than $5 trillion in 2023, up from $2.7 trillion in 2021. Whether you’re a fan of a favorite team or game, you’ve probably seen NFTs. These virtual […]

Top Music NFT Marketplaces and Platforms in 2022

Music NFT marketplaces offer musicians a way to collect royalties from their albums, and they also allow early investors to invest in music albums. The musicians also receive a percentage of the sale fee. NFTs are not just for the music industry; they can represent virtually any item. Some of the more popular types are […]

Smart Contract Mistake Leads To $34 Million of ETH Getting Locked

An NFT project known as AkuDreams was hit by turmoil when $34 Million ETH got locked into the Smart Contract Mistake. Everything was all set last Friday (22nd April), when Micah Johnson’s Akutars project launched to great hype and an already established fanbase.  As soon as the NFT collectors flocked to the website to take […]