How NFTs Impact On Sports and Game Industry?
The sports and game industry are one of the fastest growing industries on the planet. Total global spending on physical sports and games is expected to hit more than $5 trillion in 2023, up from $2.7 trillion in 2021. Whether you’re a fan of a favorite team or game, you’ve probably seen NFTs. These virtual […]
Top Music NFT Marketplaces and Platforms in 2022
Music NFT marketplaces offer musicians a way to collect royalties from their albums, and they also allow early investors to invest in music albums. The musicians also receive a percentage of the sale fee. NFTs are not just for the music industry; they can represent virtually any item. Some of the more popular types are […]
Industries That Blockchain Will Disrupt in Future
Blockchain technology is considered a next-generation computing platform that has the potential to revolutionize various industries. From finance to healthcare, real estate, and the food industry, blockchain has the potential to create a secure, low-cost, and transparent environment. Here are industries that blockchain is set to disrupt: Healthcare Blockchain provides a secure and transparent environment […]
React Or Jquery: The Best Tool For Frontend Web Development
The frontend web development industry has progressed rapidly in the last few decades. As a result, there are various software tools available to them. One such type of tool are JavaScript libraries, which are technologies that make web development a lot easier for devs. They do this by streamlining and aiding the process of front-end […]
Near’s Introduction Demand for NFT marketplace on near increases as the state of the world’s climate change crisis deteriorates. In this aspect, numerous blockchain networks are essential to sustainable carbon emissions of the modern environment. On a blockchain network, the mining and trading of NFTs consumes a lot of energy and emits roughly 100 kg […]
What is Web3? Use Cases of Web3
Since the Web has been invented, people have considered it a continuous pillar of life, however, the web we know today is quite different and has evolved over a period of time. Its current, historical, and projected evolution is divided into three different stages i.e. Web1, Web2, and Web3. Web1 initially provided us with static […]
Blockchain Scalability And Its Key Properties
Blockchain scalability refers to the ability of a blockchain network to accommodate the increasing demand for transactions and network nodes. Lack of scalability in blockchain networks is hindering their widespread adoption by businesses and industries. It is a crucial aspect of blockchain technology that needs to be addressed for its further development. A scalable blockchain […]
What is layer1 and layer2 Blockchain – Key Differences
When cryptocurrencies entered the mainstream, there was a lot of skepticism surrounding it. People were weighing the pros and cons of cryptocurrency becoming the new normal. The central pillar for crypto, which is Blockchain technology, became the new buzzword. It peaked a lot of people’s interest as it was the new emerging technology. This detailed analysis […]
AI Applications Across Major Industries
Artificial Intelligence has become a gamechanger for various industries in this day and age. Many organizations are utilizing Artificial Intelligence to streamline business processes and reduce operational costs. Businesses implementing AI applications would not only get the most effective business results but it would help them improve the user experience as well. This would enable them […]
Steps To Build Impactful User Experience Design Strategy
User experience design is of the utmost importance to companies. It can help boost their website or application’s conversion rate by attracting the ideal target audience towards their brand. As you may already know, a lot goes hand in hand to create stellar products that people will love. It’s not an easy feat. A lot of well-crafted planning […]